9 research outputs found

    El sentido de la vida: Papel de la religiosidad y actitudes ante la muerte

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    Doživljaj smisla života predstavlja stupanj u kojem ljudi razumiju i vide značenje u svom životu. S obzirom da predstavlja doživljaj procjene svrhovitosti svog postojanja i utječe na postavljanje ciljeva u vlastitu životu, nedvojbeno ima učinke na psihološku dobrobit pojedinca. Istraživanja u ovom području upućuju na značajnu ulogu različitih čimbenika u doživljaju smisla života. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati ulogu nekih demografskih karakteristika (spola, dobi i obrazovanja), religioznosti (religijskih vjerovanja, obredne religioznosti i posljedice religioznosti na socijalno ponašanje) i stavova prema smrti (straha od smrti, izbjegavanja smrti, prihvaćanje smrti, prihvaćanje smrti bijegom, neutralnog prihvaćanja smrti) u objašnjenju doživljaja smisla života kod odraslih osoba. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 433 sudionika (143 muškarca i 290 žena) prosječne dobi 35 godina iz različitih dijelova Hrvatske. Od mjernih je instrumenata korištena Skala smisla života, Upitnik religioznosti i Upitnik stavova prema smrti i umiranju. Hijerarhijskom je regresijskom analizom utvrđeno da su strah od smrti i prihvaćanje smrti bijegom značajne samostalne odrednice doživljaja smisla životom. Dimenzije religioznosti nisu značajno samostalno pridonijele objašnjenju doživljaja smisla životom. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na to da sudionici koji se manje boje smrti te koji smrt više vide kao nastavak života izvještavaju o većem doživljaju smisla života.The experience of meaning in life can be defined as the extent in which people comprehend and see significance in their lives. Considering that it represents the experience of evaluation of purpose of one\u27s existence and that it affects goal setting in one\u27s own life, it undoubtedly has effects on the psychological well-being of an individual. Research in this area point on the significant role of various factors in the experience of meaning in life. The aim of this study was to examine the role of some demographic characteristics (gender, age and education), religiosity (religious beliefs, ritual religiosity and consequences of religiosity on social behavior) and attitudes toward death (fear of death, avoidance of death, acceptance of death, acceptance of death by escape, neutral acceptance of death) in explaining the experience of meaning in life in adults. The sample consisted of 433 participants (143 men and 290 women) mean age of 35, from different parts of Croatia. Used instruments included Purpose of life scale, Religiosity questionnaire and Attitudes toward death and dying questionnaire. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that fear of death and acceptance of death by escape are significant independent determinants of the experience of meaning in life. Dimensions of religiosity did not significantly independently contribute to explaining the experience of meaning in life. Obtained results indicate that participants who are less afraid of death and who see death as a continuation of life report greater experience of meaning in life.La sensación del sentido de vida representa el grado en el que las personas entienden y notan el significado en su vida. Dado que se trata de una sensación de evaluación del sentido de su existencia e influye en establecer objetivos en su propia vida, sin duda influye también en el bienestar psicológico de un individuo. Las investigaciones en este campo indican un papel importante de diferentes factores para la sensación del sentido de vida. El objetivo de este trabajo fue verificar el papel de algunas características demográficas (sexo, edad y educación), religiosidad (creencias religiosas, religiosidad ritual y consecuencias de religiosidad en el comportamiento social) y actitudes ante la muerte (miedo a la muerte, evitación de la muerte, aceptación de la muerte, aceptación de la muerte por fuga, aceptación de la muerte neutral)  para explicar la sensación del sentido de la vida en adultos. En la investigación participaron 433 personas (143 hombres y 290 mujeres) de la edad promedio de 35 años de diferentes regiones croatas. Como instrumentos de medición se utilizaron la Escala del Sentido de Vida, el Cuestionario de Religiosidad y el Cuestionario de Actitudes ante la Muerte y el Hecho de Morir. A través del análisis de regresión jerárquico se ha determinado que el miedo a la muerte y la aceptación de la muerte por fuga representan directrices individuales significativas de la sensación del sentido de la vida, mientras que las dimensiones de religiosidad no han contribuido significativamente a la explicación de esta sensación. Los resultados obtenidos indican que los participantes que muestran menos miedo a la muerte y que consideran a la muerte como una continuación de la vida muestran una sensación mayor del sentido de la vida

    Evidencias psicométricas del test de propósito vital en universitarios de Trujillo

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    La presente investigación sostuvo como objetivo principal el determinar las evidencias de validez y confiabilidad del test de propósito vital (PIL Test) en universitarios de Trujillo. Este estudio aplicado, con diseño instrumental, abarcó una población de 500 universitarios de ambos sexos y a partir del VII ciclo de las diversas universidades de Trujillo, la muestra estuvo compuesta por 30 participantes. La recolección de datos, fue mediante la versión colombiana del PIL TEST de Martínez et al. (2012). En cuanto a los resultados, se efectuó el análisis descriptivo, obteniendo resultados datos estadísticos adecuados. En el análisis factorial confirmatorio, mostraron adecuadas cargas factoriales (.64 a .89) y favorables índices de ajuste (X2/df=2.9, RMSEA=.062, CFI=.965, TLI=.956 y AIC de 617.514). En la confiablidad, a través del coeficiente Omega, ostento un valor de .96, demostrando que el PIL TEST, es un instrumento confiable. Por último, se realizó la validez convergente entre el PIL Test y la Escala de Resiliencia, se alcanzó cifras superiores a .60, mostrando una correlación positiva alta. Por todo lo mencionado, el PIL TEST presenta un apropiado ajuste y una confiabilidad favorable

    Relationship of social and emotional loneliness and preference for solitude with purpose in life

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    Usamljenost je neugodno, averzivno i bolno iskustvo koje se javlja kada je mreža socijalnih odnosa pojedinca deficitarna, ili u svojoj kvaliteti, ili kvantiteti. Istraživanja pokazuju kako je usamljenost važan indikator subjektivne te psihološke dobrobiti, u koju spada i doživljaj smisla života. S druge strane, postoji samoća kao stanje ili situacija kada smo sami. Osobe koje imaju visoku preferenciju za samoću svojevoljno odabiru biti same te često percipiraju vrijeme provedeno u samoći kao pozitivno iskustvo. Stoga, za razliku od usamljenosti, takva preferirana samoća ne bi trebala biti negativno povezana s indikatorima dobrobiti. S obzirom na navedeno, cilj ovog istraživanja je bio, na prigodnom uzorku studenata, ispitati povezanost između emocionalne i socijalne usamljenosti te preferirane samoće s jedne i doživljaja smisla života s druge strane te utvrditi razlike s obzirom na spol, godinu studija (brucoši u odnosu na studente viših godina) te status ljubavne veze. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 160 studentica i studenata Sveučilišta u Zadru različitih studijskih usmjerenja pri čemu su rezultati prikupljeni primjenom upitnika tipa papir-olovka. Upitnik se sastojao od sljedećih skala: Skala socijalne i emocionalne usamljenosti, Adaptirana skala preferirane samoće i Skala smisla života. U ovom istraživanju utvrđena je veća socijalna usamljenost i usamljenost u ljubavi kod mladića u odnosu na djevojke, ali nisu utvrđene spolne razlike u usamljenosti u obitelji, doživljaju smisla života te preferiranoj samoći. Također, studenti koji su u ljubavnoj vezi doživljavaju manju usamljenost u ljubavi, veći doživljaj smisla života i manje preferiraju samoću u odnosu na studente koji nisu u vezi. Nisu utvrđene razlike u socijalnoj usamljenosti i usamljenosti u obitelji s obzirom na status romantične veze. Nadalje, brucoši su usamljeniji u ljubavi i manje preferiraju samoću u odnosu na starije studente, ali nije utvrđena razlika u socijalnoj usamljenosti, usamljenosti u obitelji i doživljaju smisla života između brucoša i starijih studenata. Preferirana samoća je umjereno pozitivno korelirala s usamljenošću u ljubavi na oba poduzorka mladića i djevojaka, ali nije korelirala sa ostalim tipovima usamljenosti. Nadalje, utvrđena je umjerena negativna povezanost između sva tri tipa usamljenosti i doživljaja smisla života. I na kraju, preferirana samoća je nisko negativno korelirala s doživljajem smisla života samo kod studentica, dok kod studenata nije utvrđena značajna povezanost.Loneliness is an unpleasant, aversive and painful experience that occurs when the network of social relationships of an individual is deficient either in quality or quantity. Research has shown that loneliness is an important indicator of subjective and psychological well-being, which includes purpose in life. On the other hand, there is solitude as a state or situation when we are alone. People who have a high preference for solitude choose to be alone and often perceive the time spent in solitude as a positive experience. Therefore, unlike loneliness, preference for solitude should not be negatively associated with indicators of well-being. Given the above, the aim of this study was to examine the correlation between emotional and social loneliness and the preference for solitude on the one side and the purpose in life on the other side and to determine the differences with regard to gender, year of study (freshmen contrary to students of senior years) and romantic relationship status. 160 students of different study groups from the University of Zadar participated in the study and the results were collected using a paper-pencil questionnaire. The questionnaire was constisted of the following scales: Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale, Adapted Preference for Solitude Scale and Purpose in Life Scale. In this research, greater social loneliness and loneliness in love were found in males compared to females, but no gender differences were found in family loneliness, purpose in life and preference for solitude. Also, students who have a romantic partner experience less loneliness in love, higher purpose in life and have lower preference for solitude compared to students who have not have romantic partner. There were no differences in social and family loneliness due to the status of romantic relationship. Furthermore, freshmen experience greater loneliness in love and have lower preference for solitude than senior students, but there were no differences in social loneliness, family loneliness and purpose in life between freshmen and senior students. Preference for solitude correlated positively and moderately with loneliness in love for both males and females, but did not correlate with other types of loneliness. Furthermore, a moderate negative correlation has been established between all three types of loneliness and purpose in life. Lastly, low negative correlation was found between preference for solitude and purpose in life only among females, while in males no significant relationship was found

    Predictive role of meaning in life on psychological well-being and gender-specific differences

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    This study examines the predictive role of meaning in life and gender-specific differences on psychological well-being of 226 Spanish undergraduates (87 men, 38.5%; 139 women, 61.5%) ranging in age from 17 to 25 years, M = 21.08, SD = 2.18. Measures included both the Spanish adaptations of the Crumbaugh and Maholic's Purpose-In -Life Test and the Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-Being. The hypothesis stated that meaning in life would predict psychological well-being and that women would reach a higher score in several dimensions of psychological well-being. Statistical analysis included simple linear regressions, and a t-test. Results showed that: (1) meaning in life was a significant predictor variable of psychological well-being, especially of global psychological well-being, self-acceptance, purpose in life, and environmental mastery; and (2) women reached a higher score, statistically significant, in global psychological well-being, environmental mastery, personal growth and purpose in life. Findings were discussed in the light of previous researches.Examinou-se o papel preditivo do Sentido da Vida e as diferenças em função do gênero no Bem-estar Psicológico em um grupo de 226 estudantes universitários espanhóis (87 homens, 38.5%; 139 mulheres, 61.5%), com idade entre 17 e 25 anos, M = 21.08, DT = 2.18. Foram usadas adaptações espanholas do Purpose-In-Life Test de Crumbaugh e Maholic e das Escalas de Bem-estar Psicológico de Ryff. As hipóteses a contrastar foram que de maneira significativa o Sentido da Vida prediria o Bem-estar Psicológico e que as mulheres alcançariam pontuações mais altas em algumas dimensões do mesmo. As análises estatísticas incluíram lineais simples e o teste t para mostras independentes. Os resultados mostraram que: (1) O Sentido da Vida predisse significativamente o Bem-estar Psicológico, especialmente o Bem-estar Psicológico global, a Autoaceitação, o Propósito na Vida e o Domínio do Entorno, e (2) as mulheres alcançaram pontuações significativamente superiores em Bem-estar Psicológico global, Domínio do Entorno, Crescimento Pessoal e Propósito na Vida. Estes resultados foram discutidos à luz da pesquisa precedente.Se examinaron el papel predictivo del Sentido de la Vida y las diferencias en función del género en el Bienestar Psicológico en un grupo de 226 estudiantes universitarios españoles (87 hombres, 38.5%; 139 mujeres, 61.5%), con edades entre los 17 y los 25 años, M = 21.08, DT = 2.18. Se usaron adaptaciones españolas del Purpose-In-Life Test de Crumbaugh y Maholic y de las Escalas de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff. Las hipótesis a contrastar fueron que de manera significativa el Sentido de la Vida predeciría el Bienestar Psicológico y que las mujeres alcanzarían puntuaciones más altas en algunas dimensiones del mismo. Los análisis estadísticos incluyeron regresiones lineales simples y la prueba t para muestras independientes. Los resultados mostraron que: (1) El Sentido de la Vida predijo significativamente el Bienestar Psicológico, especialmente el Bienestar Psicológico global, la Autoaceptación, el Propósito en la Vida y el Dominio del Entorno, y (2) las mujeres alcanzaron puntuaciones significativamente superiores en Bienestar Psicológico global, Dominio del Entorno, Crecimiento Personal y Propósito en la Vida. Estos resultados fueron discutidos a la luz de la investigación precedente


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    This study examines the predictive role of meaning in life and gender-specific differences on psychological well-being of 226 Spanish undergraduates (87 men, 38.5%; 139 women, 61.5%) ranging in age from 17 to 25 years, M = 21.08, SD = 2.18. Measures included both the Spanish adaptations of the Crumbaugh and Maholic's Purpose-In -Life Test and the Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-Being. The hypothesis stated that meaning in life would predict psychological well-being and that women would reach a higher score in several dimensions of psychological well-being. Statistical analysis included simple linear regressions, and a t-test. Results showed that: (1) meaning in life was a significant predictor variable of psychological well-being, especially of global psychological well-being, self-acceptance, purpose in life, and environmental mastery; and (2) women reached a higher score, statistically significant, in global psychological well-being, environmental mastery, personal growth and purpose in life. Findings were discussed in the light of previous researches

    Crianza parental y felicidad en adolescentes de la Institución Educativa Jaime White de Puerto Maldonado, 2018

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar la relación existente entre las variables crianza parental y felicidad en adolescentes de la institución educativa Jaime White de Puerto Maldonado, Perú. Los instrumentos utilizados para la medición de las variables fueron la Escala de Estilos de crianza parental diseñada por Steimberg en 1993, adaptada en el Perú por Merino y Arndt en el 2004 y la Escala de Felicidad de Lima creada el 2006 por Reynaldo Alarcón. La muestra estuvo conformada por 311 estudiantes de la institución educativa Jaime White de Puerto Maldonado, de los cuales 186 fueron hombres y 125 mujeres, entre los 10 y 16 años de edad. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que existen correlaciones significativas entre cada una de las dimensiones de la variable crianza parental y la variable felicidad: compromiso y felicidad (rho=.518; p<.05), autonomía psicológica y felicidad (rho=.379; p<.05); control conductual y felicidad (rho=.179; p<.05). Por lo tanto, se concluye que las ideas, creencias, valores, actitudes y hábitos de comportamiento que los padres trasmiten durante la formación de sus hijos, proporciona para ellos un clima emocional adecuado que se manifiesta en un estado afectivo de satisfacción plena.TesisLIMAUnidad de Posgrado de PsicologíaSalud familiar y colectiv

    Psicología positiva y logoterapia. Relaciones conceptuales y empíricas entre el bienestar personal y el sentido de la vida

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    Este volumen ofrece en sus tres primeros capítulos contenidos sobre aspectos sustanciales, de orden teórico-conceptual y empírico, de la Psicología Positiva y la logoterapia, tales como bienestar subjetivo (incluyendo la felicidad y la satisfacción vital), bienestar psicológico y sus dimensiones (descritas por Carol Ryff en su modelo multidimensional) y sentido de la vida. En el último capí-tulo se profundiza en las relaciones teórico-conceptuales y empíricas entre los principales constructos de ambas perspectivas psicológicas.This book provides in its first three chapters’ contents about important theo-retical-conceptual and empirical aspects of Positive Psychology and logothe-rapy, such as subjective well-being (including happiness and satisfaction with life), psychological well-being and its dimensions (described by Carol Ryff in her multidimensional model) and meaning in life. In the last chapter, theore-tical-conceptual and empirical relationships between the main concepts of both psychological perspectives are exposed.Terapia Ocupaciona